To create an option set with conditions automatically, you will need to use library categories for your product's image options.
To create an option set with conditions automatically
1. Open store
2. Select Link Products to browse through your store's product list
3. Choose your product from the product list by clicking on it
4. Assign a template to your product, click create option set from template to automatically generate an option set with all the conditions already set.

5. Give the option set a name and click Save

6. Once the creation of the set is complete, it will be automatically assigned to your product.
You can always edit the option set manually if you want to change or add extra information to the options, such as help text, required, etc. Learn how to edit the options manually here.
7. If you go and edit the options set, you'll see that there will be different swatches (one per category) and a main one showing the different categories that you can choose from. You should have something like this:

8. If you go inside any of the Category swatches, you'll see that the conditions have already been created.

Please keep in mind that the images used for the main swatch option (where you can select between the different categories) are the Image Thumbnails that were set while creating the category. If you don't want to use those images, you can change them and upload new ones.
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