You can set an extra price for your personalizations by linking Customily options to Shopify products.
Once a customer chooses that option, the extra product will be added to the cart, increasing the price of their order.

For example, if you offer a monogrammed tote, and want to charge $5 extra if customers choose to monogram it in gold foil. You will need to create a Shopify product for the golden foil that costs $5. Then connect that product to the gold thread option using Customily.

When customers choose to monogram their tote with gold foil, they'll see the price increase by $5. Then on their cart they'll see the tote, plus the extra item of $5 for the gold foil. 

Learn how to do this in more detail below.

To add pricing to your Customily options

1. Start by creating the products in Shopify, for the extra charges you want to add. In this example we will create a product for the gold foil.

Make sure the product is active, and listed on your sales channels and apps. 
If you want to keep the extra product hidden you can do so by creating a collection for all the hidden products.
2. Set the price for the product. This should be only the extra price you want to charge for that specific option. In this case it will be $5. 

You can also keep track of this product, and add a SKU to it in case you need to track inventory of the option. 
3. Once the product is ready, go to Customily and open the option set of the product you want to work with.

4. Find the option you want to affect price, expand it and go to the functions section.

5. Click to add a new function and select Add Shopify product

6. Then expand the value by clicking on it, and assign the product you want for that value by clicking Add value.

7. Choose the product you created on step 1 for that specific option. In this case it's the gold foil

If the product you will be using for the extra price has multiple variants. Make sure you select the proper variant after choosing the product.
You can also define the quantity you want to add, though in most cases you'll use one.
8. Once the product is added to the option, it will look like this:

9. Save the option set to apply the changes.

How it looks from the customer side

When customers choose that option on your store, they'll see the price increase.
You can see how the price changes from $30 to $35 when we choose the gold option.

And on the cart, they will see the extra product for the gold foil in it.


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