Dynamic images are a great tool to create mix-and-match previews. By combining different dynamic images, you can have customers change different parts of a preview independently, to create unique mix-and-match personalizations. 

Prepare your images to create a mix-and-match preview

In order to create a mix-and-match preview, first, you'll need to have all the pictures that will compose the preview.
In the example of the sneaker above, we have different pictures for the toe cap and heel, for the tongue and the heel tab, and for the stitch detail.

Here's an example of the 3 different images used in the toe cap and heel
All images used to create the mix-and-match preview need to be in PNG format with a transparent background. This way you can make sure the rest of the sections of the preview will be always visible.
Once you have all the images ready, you can create the preview on Customily

To create a mix-and-match preview with Dynamic Images

  1. Make sure you are on Step 2 editing the preview
  2. Add a dynamic image for the first personalizable part of the preview by clicking add dynamic image
  3. While on position one click upload an image
  4. Shift + select all the different photos you want to upload into that dynamic image
  5. Resize and reposition the dynamic image so it is placed correctly on top of the preview background
  6. Repeat step 2 through 6 to add all the different personalizable part of the mix-and-match preview.
At the end of the process, you will have multiple dynamic images arranged around the preview to form the mix-and-match product. It will look something like this:
Where each dotted line is a different dynamic image, that controls a specific part of the sneaker.


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