Printful API Key
Printify API Key
1. Login to your Printify account, or register with them here if you don't have an account yet.
2. Click on your avatar and then go to Connections
3. Then click on Generate to create a new API Key.
4. Insert your store's name, make sure "all scopes" is selected, and click on Generate token.
5. The API Key is now generated. Copy to clipboard and paste it on your Customily Settings to complete the integration. Learn where to paste your API Key on Customily App here.
ShineOn API key
Gelato API key
CustomCat API key
Teelaunch API KEY
1. Log in to the merchOne account or register with them here if you don't have an account yet.
2. Go to the Store section and create a new store by clicking Create button under Create your custom store.
Note! If you would like to link Customily with an existing API store, please start with step #4 from this instruction.
3. Please enter the desired Store Name and URL, select the selling region and Customily Integration, and then click the Create button.
4. Once you are done, access the store settings to get the API KEY.
5. Scroll down to the Store credentials section, to find API USER and API KEY.
6. The API Key is now generated. Copy to clipboard and paste it on your Customily Settings to complete the integration. Learn where to paste your API Key on Customily App here.
7. Go back to the merchOne platform and paste the following Webhook:
8. Make sure to Save your updates in merchOne and Customily App.
Gooten API KEY
1. Log in to the Gooten or register with them here if you don't have an account yet.
2. Go to the Settings section and open the API tab.
3. Copy the Recipe ID and the Partner Billing Key, then paste them into your Customily Settings to complete the integration. Learn where to paste your API Keys on the Customily App here.
Note! You can locate the Recipe ID in Customily under the label "API Key" and the Partner Billing Key field is referred to as "API Signature". Please ensure that you enter both keys.
4. Save your updates in the Customily App.