If you receive a lot of orders and you want to automate the personalization details retrieval process, our API will come very handy. This example will cover the basics of our Walmart API using postman so you can then port it to any language.
These API features are part of our Preivew and Production plans.
First of all, you'll need to obtain an access token by calling at the following endpoint
as shown below (make sure you use the POST method)
You'll receive an access token (as the one shown below). You will use this token to make authenticated requests to the https://customily.walmart.com/api/item endpoint.
Call the https://customily.walmart.com/api/item endpoint, remember to include the access token in the header request and the PONumber (order number) as a query string parameter. Make sure to attach the string "Bearer" followed by the access_token as shown in the screenshot below
It will return a JSON that has the following structure: 
        "id": "9E633A40-FA2A-466D-970B-2EAE0303148C",
        "lineNumber": 1,
        "productName": "Men's Cuff Bangle Stainless Steel",
        "sku": "BA005886RE",
        "quantity": 1,
        "productId": "4e8e3225-4b8e-4a99-a31c-b22878880894",
        "previewUrl": "https://customily.walmart.com/assets/previews/1d4bd0c0-261f-437b-85a9-126e3482283a.jpeg",
        "productionUrl": "https://cdn.customily.com/ExportFile/anavia/8b3a96e0-1d8a-4dc8-9155-e5d0fae4581a.dxf",
        "optionsJson": "[{\"name\":\"Engraving\",\"value\":\"2020 BEST PAPA I LOVE YOU\",\"type\":\"Text Input\"},{\"name\":\"Font\",\"value\":\"Monotype Corsiva\",\"type\":\"Swatch\"}]",
        "createdDate": "2020-06-20T00:00:00.000Z",
        "poNumber": 2793546706844
        "id": "4ED9EA64-5766-430E-A104-2A140D71A9BC",
        "lineNumber": 2,
        "productName": "Men's Cuff Bangle Stainless Steel",
        "sku": "BA005886RE",
        "quantity": 1,
        "productId": "4e8e3225-4b8e-4a99-a31c-b22878880894",
        "previewUrl": "https://customily.walmart.com/assets/previews/e5854bff-5d15-41d0-95f6-ff8367bf99cb.jpeg",
        "productionUrl": "https://cdn.customily.com/ExportFile/anavia/63574dff-9e2c-414d-8adb-33f34cc9a73a.dxf",
        "optionsJson": "[{\"name\":\"Engraving\",\"value\":\"R • P • K\",\"type\":\"Text Input\"},{\"name\":\"Font\",\"value\":\"Monotype Corsiva\",\"type\":\"Swatch\"}]",
        "createdDate": "2020-06-20T00:00:00.000Z",
        "poNumber": 2793546706844
In this example, the client added 2 items to the cart. Each one having a different personalization.
One of these items is shown below. This is the interface where the client entered his personalization details.
The API response will contain all the personalization information the client entered plus the Customily generated preview and production files

id: Internal Customily Id unique to every line item
lineNumber: Line item number (order in which was added to the cart)
product Name: The name of the product on Walmart
sku: The product SKU from Walmart.
quantity: The quantity ordered for the product.
product id: The Customily template id for the ordered product.
previewUrl: link to the preview picture containing the client's personalization.
productionUrl: link to the production file containing the client's personalization.
optionsJson: the options the client selected (form the product's option set). 
createdDate: the date when the product was added to the cart.
poNumber: Walmart's poNumber (order number)
You can download this postman example here

Include Walmart order details

If you want to get both the Walmart order information + Customily's personalization details in the same response, you'll have to include orderDetails as a query string parameter:
i.e : https://customily.walmart.com/api/item?poNumber=2793546706844&orderDetails=true  

This pulls the Walmart order information from the following endpoint
and combines it with the personalization details that are stored in Customily

This will return the complete Walmart order information and Customily's personalziation details that will be stored on every "orderLine" object as a "customily" field.
    "purchaseOrderId": "2793546706844",
    "customerOrderId": "4432087808878",
    "customerEmailId": "B096B55FF345474AACCE014828A88CD5@relay.walmart.com",
    "orderDate": 1592625015000,
    "mart": "Walmart.com",
    "shippingInfo": {
        "phone": "4187347012",
        "estimatedDeliveryDate": 1593543600000,
        "estimatedShipDate": 1593050400000,
        "methodCode": "Standard",
        "postalAddress": {
            "name": "PICKUP AT STORE",
            "address1": "1265 Box Street",
            "address2": "Sheri Schneider",
            "city": "State College",
            "state": "PA",
            "postalCode": "16803",
            "country": "USA",
            "addressType": "OFFICE"
    "orderLines": {
        "orderLine": [
                "lineNumber": "1",
                "item": {
                    "productName": "Men's Cuff Bangle Stainless Steel",
                    "sku": "BA005886RE"
                "charges": {
                    "charge": [
                            "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                            "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                            "chargeAmount": {
                                "currency": "USD",
                                "amount": 17.99
                            "tax": {
                                "taxName": "Tax1",
                                "taxAmount": {
                                    "currency": "USD",
                                    "amount": 1.08
                "orderLineQuantity": {
                    "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                    "amount": "1"
                "statusDate": 1592625798985,
                "orderLineStatuses": {
                    "orderLineStatus": [
                            "status": "Acknowledged",
                            "statusQuantity": {
                                "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                                "amount": "1"
                            "cancellationReason": null,
                            "trackingInfo": null,
                            "returnCenterAddress": null
                "refund": null,
                "originalCarrierMethod": "79",
                "fulfillment": {
                    "fulfillmentOption": "S2S",
                    "shipMethod": "STORE_DELIVERY",
                    "storeId": "1640",
                    "pickUpDateTime": 1593543600000,
                    "pickUpBy": "Sheri Schneider",
                    "shippingProgramType": "THREE_TO_FIVE_DAY"
                "configId": "9e633a40-fa2a-466d-970b-2eae0303148c",
                "customily": {
                    "guid": "9E633A40-FA2A-466D-970B-2EAE0303148C",
                    "productId": "4e8e3225-4b8e-4a99-a31c-b22878880894",
                    "previewUrl": "https://customily.walmart.com/assets/previews/1d4bd0c0-261f-437b-85a9-126e3482283a.jpeg",
                    "productionUrl": "https://cdn.customily.com/ExportFile/anavia/8b3a96e0-1d8a-4dc8-9155-e5d0fae4581a.dxf",
                    "optionsJson": "[{\"name\":\"Engraving\",\"value\":\"2020 BEST PAPA I LOVE YOU\",\"type\":\"Text Input\"},{\"name\":\"Font\",\"value\":\"Monotype Corsiva\",\"type\":\"Swatch\"}]",
                    "createdDate": "2020-06-20T00:00:00.000Z"
                "lineNumber": "2",
                "item": {
                    "productName": "Men's Cuff Bangle Stainless Steel",
                    "sku": "BA005886RE"
                "charges": {
                    "charge": [
                            "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                            "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                            "chargeAmount": {
                                "currency": "USD",
                                "amount": 17.99
                            "tax": {
                                "taxName": "Tax1",
                                "taxAmount": {
                                    "currency": "USD",
                                    "amount": 1.08
                "orderLineQuantity": {
                    "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                    "amount": "1"
                "statusDate": 1592625798985,
                "orderLineStatuses": {
                    "orderLineStatus": [
                            "status": "Acknowledged",
                            "statusQuantity": {
                                "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                                "amount": "1"
                            "cancellationReason": null,
                            "trackingInfo": null,
                            "returnCenterAddress": null
                "refund": null,
                "originalCarrierMethod": "79",
                "fulfillment": {
                    "fulfillmentOption": "S2S",
                    "shipMethod": "STORE_DELIVERY",
                    "storeId": "1640",
                    "pickUpDateTime": 1593543600000,
                    "pickUpBy": "Sheri Schneider",
                    "shippingProgramType": "THREE_TO_FIVE_DAY"
                "configId": "4ed9ea64-5766-430e-a104-2a140d71a9bc",
                "customily": {
                    "guid": "4ED9EA64-5766-430E-A104-2A140D71A9BC",
                    "productId": "4e8e3225-4b8e-4a99-a31c-b22878880894",
                    "previewUrl": "https://customily.walmart.com/assets/previews/e5854bff-5d15-41d0-95f6-ff8367bf99cb.jpeg",
                    "productionUrl": "https://cdn.customily.com/ExportFile/anavia/63574dff-9e2c-414d-8adb-33f34cc9a73a.dxf",
                    "optionsJson": "[{\"name\":\"Engraving\",\"value\":\"R • P • K\",\"type\":\"Text Input\"},{\"name\":\"Font\",\"value\":\"Monotype Corsiva\",\"type\":\"Swatch\"}]",
                    "createdDate": "2020-06-20T00:00:00.000Z"
    "paymentTypes": [
    "orderSummary": {
        "totalAmount": {
            "currencyAmount": 38.14,
            "currencyUnit": "USD"
        "orderSubTotals": [
                "subTotalType": "PRODUCT",
                "totalAmount": {
                    "currencyAmount": 35.98,
                    "currencyUnit": "USD"
                "subTotalType": "TAX",
                "totalAmount": {
                    "currencyAmount": 2.16,
                    "currencyUnit": "USD"
    "pickupPersons": [
            "name": {
                "completeName": "Sheri Schneider",
                "firstName": "Sheri",
                "lastName": "Schneider"
            "phone": {
                "completeNumber": "4187347012"
If the order doesn't contain any Customily personalization details, the "customily" field will show "This item wasn't personalized with Customily." 


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