If you want to add advanced styles to change the way options are displayed, you can do that by adding custom CSS.

To change Customily Options styles through CSS

  1. From your Customily Admin Panel, select Manage Options from the sidebar menu
  2. Click on settings
  3. Open the advanced tab
  4. Type in any custom CSS you would like to add.
Be careful
If you are not familiar with CSS, we recommend you find someone to help you adjust the styles of your options. Changing styles without knowing how can result in breaking the layout of your product page.

CSS Classes of Customily Options

Use these class selectors to identify the different type of options and their elements
Class selectors
Text Input 
#cl_optionsapp .customily_option input
#cl_optionsapp .customily_option select
#cl_optionsapp .swatch-container .swatch
#cl_optionsapp .swatch-container label
#cl_optionsapp .swatch-container label img
Image upload button
#cl_optionsapp .customily-download-button
Remove uploaded photo button
Option Labels
#cl_optionsapp .customily_option label
Help Text
#cl_optionsapp .help-text
Photo size limit text
Required message


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