Add zoom to your preview so customers can see their personalization in more detail.
You can choose the way the zoom works on your store, for desktop and mobile devices. 
There are 3 ways the preview zoom can behave in your store: 
  • No Zoom
  • Zoom on hover
  • Zoom on click
The zoom setting will be applied to all your products using customily equally. 

To add zoom on your preview

1. Head to Store
2. Open the Settings section
3. Click on the Preview Behaviour tab
4. Scroll down until you find the Zoom section
5. Choose the option that best fits your needs.

Different zoom styles for desktop

No zoom

By choosign this option customers won't be able to zoom on the preview. 

Zoom on hover

The canvas will be zoomed by 2x when hovering the mouse over it.

Zoom on Click

When clicking on click to zoom a dialog zoomed by 2x will appear to the side of the preview. 
The Zoom on Click style is recommended when customers need to interact with the preview (for example, moving uploaded images).

Enable zoom for mobile devices

When enabled a click to zoom button will appear on the preview in mobile devices.
To enable this feature:
1. Access your Settings information following the steps above 
2. Scroll down the page until you find the Zoom options
3. Enable zoom for mobile devices


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