Getting started with Print on Demand
How does Print on Demand integrations work with Customily
On Customily, you can choose to work with different Print on Demand (POD) providers, to source yo...
How to integrate a POD on Shopify
To use any POD on Customily, the first thing you need to do is to create an account on...
How to integrate a POD on Etsy
To use any POD on Customily, the first thing you need to do is to create an account on...
How to use a product from a POD
Once you are integrated with your POD you are ready to start offering their products on your stor...
Can I offer products from multiple PODs?
You can work with as many POD providers at the same time as you'd like. In fact, some of the most...
I can’t find a specific POD product, can it be added?
Yes! We can add most of the POD products. Just message our team and share with them the link of t...
How to remove a POD integration
If you don't want to work with a POD anymore, you can easily remove the integration on Customily....